[No.NP892-041] iMatrix 411 (350 ug: 175 ug × 2 tube/box)

Recombinant Laminin-411 E8-Fragments

iMatrix-411 features make it an ideal matrix for some cell culture applications:

  • Xeno-free formulation / CHO-S cell bioproduction
  • Easy to use (liquid format)
  • E8-fragments retain integrin binding specificity and capacity, and display higher potency than natural Laminin-411
  • Cultivation of iPSC on iMatrix-411 induces a cell fate transition to endothelial progenitor cells

iMatrix-411 is a highly purified and refined product of human recombinant laminin-411 (E8 fragment) expressed by CHO-S cells. Laminin-411 is found predominantly expressed in the vascular endothelial basement membrane1 and in Langerhans islet capillary endothelial cells of the pancreas.2

As a cell culture ECM-substrate iMatrix-411 can assist in establishing human endothelial cell primary cultures from fresh human bio-specimens.

Human iPS cells, when cultured on iMatrix-411, are robustly induced (>95%) to differentiate into endothelial progenitor cells with angiogenesis capacity.1 Other published reports have used iMatrix-411 and iMatrix-511 in a step-wise protocol to generate cholangiocytes capable of forming 3D cyst-structures from iPSC-derived hepatoblastic cells.3

More information: reprocell.com

Box (2 Tubes)