[No.003] Denarase Elisa Kit

The One-for-all Serratia marcescens ELISA Kit

For the quantitative analysis of residual Serratia marcescens endonucleases including DENARASE® High Salt

Best reproducibility
The highly specific monoclonal antibodies provide excellent reproducible results in both inter- and intra-assays. This enables an easy uptake in routine applications and avoids repeats in case of unclear results.

Best sensitivity
Endonuclease concentrations in final pharmaceutical products are often below the limit of detection of (previous) current state-of-the-art kits. These values may raise uncertainty, as low signals as a result of material failure or human error cannot be excluded. With DENARASE® ELISA Kit you can detect and quantify 15-50 times lower endonuclease concentrations compared to competitor ELISA Kits, using polyclonal antibodies.

Broad working range
The broad working range of the Kit enables a convenient handling of samples as over-dilution is unlikely to happen.

Save time
Save up to 50% time compared to competitor kits.

More information: c-lecta.com